Temporary change to Neath Port Talbot Minor Injury Unit opening hours - Easy Read
Due to staffing pressures, Neath Port Talbot have decided to temporarily reduce the opening hours of the Minor Injury Unit.

The opening times are now 8am until 9pm for the next 9 months.

There will be staff to tell you what to do if you turn up after these hours.

If you need attention straight away, call 111 or visit A&E.

This isn’t forever and they are recruiting more staff.
They are working closely with Llais, the independent organisation which represents the views of health and social care service users and patients across Wales.

Neath Port Talbot Hospital has had to close the Minor Injury Unit at short notice before which caused problems for patients.

They believe temporarily closing earlier allows them to go on providing the best service possible.

They are doing their best to sort out the staff shortage as soon as they can.

Remember, the Minor Injury Unit cannot treat serious illnesses or serious injuries. It cannot help if you have an illness, suspected heart attack, chest pains or stroke.
Read the full statement, and find further information on what can and cannot be treated at the Minor Injury Unit.