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Below are two videos created by West Glamorgan Regional Partnership, highlighting their learning disability stragety on transport.
We are proud of all of the members of Your Voice Advocacy that took part in creating these videos.
Support us by playing lottoabertawe!
It's only £1 a week and not only will you be supporting YVA, you will be in for a chance of winning up to £25,000!
Tomorrow - Wednesday 26th March - there will be a protest in Swansea Castle Square, as part of a national day of action called by Disabled People Against Cuts. ![]()
This is a chance to speak out against the benefit cuts!
Reminder to those who have been taking part in our Health & Wellbeing programme with the Swans Foundation, that today we will be at Swansea Stadium instead! 🤗
This Thursday come along to our Health and Well-being event!
There will be lots to do, and will be featuring the Swansea Wellbeing Choir and One Heart Drummers, as well as 16 information stalls! 🤩![]()
No cooking classes on Wednesday and Thursday this week as they will be combined during the event 🤗
Disability sports wales put on an event in Swansea to provide a taster for this years para sport festival, here it is on ITV News with our Trustee Kara in the opening and she gave a great interview 🤩👏
It’s #WorldDownSyndromeDay!![]()
This years theme is #ImproveOurSupportSystems, We all have the right to support that meets our needs and gives us choice, control and dignity.![]()
Wear your statement or odd socks today to start a conversation and spread awareness! 🧦🤩![]()
Tonight will be Diversecity at the Social Bean Cafe!![]()
Come along for a fun evening with other Neurodivergent adults 🤗
This FREE event is happening next Thursday!![]()
Along with all the fun activities, taster sessions and information stalls, we will have the pleasure of Swansea Wellbeing Choir and One Heart Drummers performing for you! 🤩![]()
Free goody bags for the first 50 attendees and there’s a soft play area for young children! 🤗
Tomorrow - Wednesday 26th March - there will be a protest in Swansea Castle Square, as part of a national day of action called by Disabled People Against Cuts. ![]()
This is a chance to speak out against the benefit cuts!
Reminder to those who have been taking part in our Health & Wellbeing programme with the Swans Foundation, that today we will be at Swansea Stadium instead! 🤗
This Thursday come along to our Health and Well-being event!
There will be lots to do, and will be featuring the Swansea Wellbeing Choir and One Heart Drummers, as well as 16 information stalls! 🤩![]()
No cooking classes on Wednesday and Thursday this week as they will be combined during the event 🤗
Disability sports wales put on an event in Swansea to provide a taster for this years para sport festival, here it is on ITV News with our Trustee Kara in the opening and she gave a great interview 🤩👏
It’s #WorldDownSyndromeDay!![]()
This years theme is #ImproveOurSupportSystems, We all have the right to support that meets our needs and gives us choice, control and dignity.![]()
Wear your statement or odd socks today to start a conversation and spread awareness! 🧦🤩![]()
Tonight will be Diversecity at the Social Bean Cafe!![]()
Come along for a fun evening with other Neurodivergent adults 🤗
This FREE event is happening next Thursday!![]()
Along with all the fun activities, taster sessions and information stalls, we will have the pleasure of Swansea Wellbeing Choir and One Heart Drummers performing for you! 🤩![]()
Free goody bags for the first 50 attendees and there’s a soft play area for young children! 🤗